O's Notes

<a href="https://iconscout.com/photos/man" target="_blank">Man Writing On Notebook At Office Photo</a> by <a href="https://iconscout.com/contributors/lukas-20524">Lukas</a> on <a href="https://iconscout.com">Iconscout</a>

Freelancing is a great way to get into journalism. However, it does take a lot of hustle, determination, luck and knowledge of the landscape to freelance and get your article, photo or video published by an established publication. In this post we are going to describe some of the ways to freelance and offer tips that may help you as you begin your freelance journey.

Journalism Spelled Out - Scrabble Tiles. Image courtesy <a href="http://www.journolink.com/" targe="_blank">Journolink</a> on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons License <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">CC BY 2.0</a>.

Love writing? Enjoy talking to people and presenting their stories? Passionate about a particular topic and telling everyone about it? Dedicated to uncovering new stories about the world around you? Journalism may be the right career for you. Journalist occupy a very special place in our lives and society. Every day we read articles written by journalists in both digital and print media. We consume podcasts, videos, photos published by journalists. We learn more about countries, politics, law, economy, sports, fashion, opinions and more through the journalist writings, photos, videos.

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