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Seventh College at UCSD: A quick update

The Seventh College is located close to the Rady School of Management. By Westxtk, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons. Edited by O's 
The Seventh College is located close to the Rady School of Management. By Westxtk, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons. Edited by O's List.

Fall 2021 will be the first time that students will be living at the Seventh College. Here is our update on Seventh College. Read our post on 7 colleges of UCSD to get information on the other colleges of UCSD.

Seventh is a brand new college inaugurated in 2020! The guiding philosophy of the Seventh College is to overcome the challenges of a changing planet and possibly that means climate change. According to UCSD the general education (GE) requirements for the 7th college is quite flexible. The students will need to take a three course “Synthesis” sequence with two lower division writing course and an upper division project-based course. The first writing course is about messaging around climate change such that society will take action to correct for the change. The other two courses are still being structured and will be offered in 2021 and 2022. We’ll update you as the information is posted. Students will also need to take 2 courses in Arts, Humanities, Science and Engineering, Social Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning. There is also an experiential learning requirement called “High Impact” that students can take from a course that aligns closely with their major. The High Impact requirement can also be satisfied by students pursuing an academic internship at one of their partnering institutions or by completing a California Ecology and Conservation program (https://ucnrs.org/teaching/cec/). The Seventh college will possibly be popular with students who care about conservation, global climate and planetary changes and their societal impact and the various programs and technologies that can help the planet.

It looks like the Seventh College has replaced transfer student housing location called the Village. It looks like it is a bit far from the other college locations. The Seventh college living arrangements consists of apartments. It looks like it is a bit far from the other college locations, though UCSD states that it is close to the Eleanor Roosevelt college and the RIMAC athletic complex.

We’ll update this post as we get to know more. In the meantime, check out the FAQs on the Seventh College.